Trips & Conferences

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Many young people today seriously question whether life is something good, and have a hard time finding their way. More generally, however, young people look at the difficulties of our world and ask themselves: is there anything I can do? …The Church, in continuing this mission of evangelization, is also counting on you. Dear young people, you are the first missionaries among your contemporaries

Pope Benedict XVI

Steubenville Conference

The Steubenvile Conferences are three-day conferences that are an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville. They are a series of 24 conferences across North America that help teens encounter the love of Christ every summer. Steubenville Conferences feature an encounter experience like no other, featuring renown speakers, inspiring music, and ready access to the Sacraments.

Steubenville High School Youth Conference

Main Campus 1

June 26-29 2025

Francsican University of Steubenville
Steubenville, OH 43952


Price: $425.00

includes: lodging, meals, t-shirt, programing, and resources