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In 2021, Bishop da Cunha established the Secretariat for the New Evangelization to bring together the work of the former Faith Formation, Campus Ministry, and Pro-Life offices in an effort to work for continual revival in evangelization.

First called for by Pope St. John Paul II, the New Evangelization aims at first reengaging Catholics themselves, with a focus on fallen away Catholics. As a result, our department focuses first on helping Catholics re-embrace their baptism and courageously bear witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ, so they can in turn invite others to do likewise.

We don’t want to just teach Catholics. We want to form Catholics to know Jesus, know how to share Jesus, and know how to teach others to do the same.

We do this practically in many ways, including:

  • Consultation and Coaching for Parishes and Leaders
  • Evangelization and Catechetical Training and Support
  • Aiding in Volunteer Recruitment and Formation
  • Marriage Preparation and Enrichment
  • Adult Confirmation Preparation and RCIA Support
  • Youth Retreats and Programming
  • Men and Women’s Retreats and Ministry Support
  • College and Young Adult Retreats and Programming
  • Respect Life Events and Advocacy
  • Resources for Families
  • Media and content creation

Our department is dedicated to providing support for our parishes as they seek to reach people where they are, helping them to expand their mission outreach strategically and digitally in order to bring the Good News of Jesus to more of our brothers and sisters throughout Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and The Islands.

Parishes are the lifeblood of our diocese. It is through them that the Sacraments are received, individuals and families come together, and Catholics are formed to be sent out into the world. But as our world continues to change, so must the mindset and methods parishes use to raise up and form disciples for this mission. We are here to aid parishes with whatever they may need to navigate these changes, be confident in their work, and be able share the message of Christ both with those in and out of the pews.

Likewise, sustaining a marriage and raising a family centered on Jesus is increasingly more difficult in today’s world. But it is possible. The most important thing parents can do is to put Christ at the center of their marriage and their children’s lives. You’re not alone. Through our resources, opportunities, and work with local parishes, we can help parents learn how to transmit the faith to their children and strengthen their own faith in the process.

Our Mission: We exist to help people encounter and proclaim Jesus Christ with less stress and greater impact. We do this primarily by serving parishes, schools and college campuses in equipping Catholics for the New Evangelization.

Our Vision: Our vision is for an invigorated Catholic Church in Southeastern Massachusetts, with mission-oriented disciples who can invite and form new disciples of every age and state of life.

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