Adult Confirmation

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The diocesan preparation program for those adults (18+) seeking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is intended to provide catechetical instruction in the faith, as well as spiritual support and accompaniment to assist the parish in the formation of candidates, who are completing their initiation in the Catholic Church.

First Steps

Beginning in the Fall of 2024, there will be no deadline for registration.  Adults who are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation can begin the process at any time by attending to the following:

  1. Registration in a parish within the Diocese of Fall River if they have not already done so.  You can locate a parish near you at the link below.
  1. Begin attending Sunday Mass at their parish each week if they are not already doing so.  A schedule of weekend Mass times can be found on the parish website. 
    Please note:  Weekly attendance at Sunday Mass is obligatory for all Catholics and is a requirement of the Adult Confirmation program.
  1. Contact the parish in which they were Baptized to request an official record of their Baptism (a newly issued copy is required).
    Please note:  Individuals who are unbaptized or Christians who are not Catholic must enroll in the OCIA process in their parish rather than the formation for Adult Confirmation. 
  1. Candidates are then invited to fill out the online registration form at the link below.

Following receipt of the online application, candidates will be contacted by Deacon (Dcn.) Chris Paul (or a member of the Adult Confirmation team) to discuss their application, describe the formation process and answer any of the candidates’ questions or concerns.

Dcn. Chris will contact pastors to discuss this conversation and determine if the diocesan formation process is the best fit for unique circumstances of the candidate.

If the pastor determines that the diocesan formation process is the best option for their parishioner, Dcn. Chris will contact the candidate and provide them with the materials they will need to begin formation. 

Once candidates have begun their formation they will send the $75 registration fee by check or money order payable to the Diocese of Fall River (memo: Adult Confirmation) to:

The Secretariat for the New Evangelization
Attn: Dcn. Christopher Paul
423 Highland Ave.
Fall River, MA 02720

Diocesan Adult Confirmation Formation is a two-part process

  1. Candidates watch a program entitled “The Search” (consisting of seven, 25-minute episodes), complete a series of reflection questions and discuss their experience with Dcn. Chris via Zoom.
  2. Following the completion of this portion of their formation, candidates enroll in the next available series of three in-person sessions (held in the fall, winter and spring) prior to the conferral dates below.  These sessions include:
  • One Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30pm at Bishop Stang High School (500 Slocum Rd. Dartmouth, MA)
  • Two Saturdays from 9:30am-3:00pm at St. Julie Billiart parish (494 Slocum Rd. Dartmouth, MA)

    Please note:  Sessions will begin and end at the stated times. Please arrive a few minutes early to complete the check-in process.

Adult Confirmation Deadlines

Adults interested in preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation who apply after December 21, 2024, will receive their formation in the spring of 2025.  The reflections for “The Search” must be completed by March 1, 2025, in order to be eligible to participate in the spring in-person sessions. 

Adult Confirmation Dates

Individuals who participate in the diocesan formation process (or receive formation in their parish) in the spring will consult with their pastor regarding which of the following options for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation would be best.

  1. To receive the Sacrament with the adolescents in their parish
  2. To receive the Sacrament with the adolescents at a neighboring parish (with the permission of the pastor)
  3. Pastors may also request delegation from Bishop da Cunha to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation in their parish at a Sunday Mass.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Adult Confirmation formation process or the Conferral of Confirmation for adults please contact Dcn. Chris Paul at (508) 658-9089 or