Abortion: Questions and Answers

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Possible immediate complications

  • Excessive bleeding, possibly causing removal of the uterus and a resulting inability to have children.
  • Bleeding, sometimes continuing for more than a month after using RU-486
    • Puncture and tearing of the womb (uterus)
    • Infection (mild to fatal –some-times parts of the baby are left inside the womb)
    • Cervical laceration in 5% of women
    • Hepatitis from blood transfusions, blood clots and embolisms
    • Sterility, ranging from 2% to 5% of abortions
    • Infertility, caused by scraping that damages the lining of the uterus

Possible long-term Complications

  • Guilt and personality disturbances (post abortion syndrome).
  • In future desired pregnancies:
    • Miscarriages
    • Premature delivery because of damage to the cervix
    • Tubal pregnancies (increased from 8 to 20-fold by abortion)
    • Breast cancer

Breast Cancer

  • An abortion in the early months of pregnancy when estrogen levels are high predisposes a woman to getting breast cancer. In contrast, a full-term pregnancy early in a woman’s reproductive life is protective against breast cancer.
  • A 1995 Harvard University Study on over 2,000 women in Greece found a significant 51 percent increased risk among women who had any abortions. The risk was more than double for women whose abortion (or first abortion) took place before age 18 or over age 30. 

Reproduced from © 2008 Heritage House ’76, Inc.

What Emotional Toll Can Abortion Have?

Abortion is Damanging: Abortion Causes true emoptional pain as the mother deals with the knowlegde that her choice has killed her child.

Abortion is Debilitating: The Constant guilt and pain of ending her baby’s life can cause the mother to simply be unable to deal with normal situations, especially, those involving children. 

Abortion is Destructive: Abortion destroys both the life of the unborn baby and the emotional stabilty of the mother. The reality is, a majority of women would take back their abortion if they would. 94% of women regret their abortion. 

  • 93% of  women feel guilt
  • 88% of women develop depression
  • 81% of women feel anger 
  • 92 % of women feel sorrow
  • 85% of of women feel grief 
  • 75% of women feel bitterness
  • 75% of Women feel dispair 
  • 91% of Women feel shame 
  • 63% of women who have abortions report flashbacks to the abortion
  • 51% of women who have abortions report hysterical outbreaks 
  • 70% of women who have abortions report uncontrollable weeping
  • 56% of women who have abortions report suicidal feelings
  • 83% of women who have abortions report a general sense of emptiness 
  • 59% of women who have abortions report quicker tempers 
  • 48% of women who have abortions report becoming more violent when angered 

Abortion is so harmful to a woman’s emotional health simply because it is unnatural. A women knows it is not right to end the life of her child. She knows she should give birth to the baby and love and care for it in every way possible. She knows the life inside her is part of her. Abotion goes against every natural inclination the women has to love and protect her baby. She knows it is wrong and the regret will be with her the rest of her life. 

Reproduced from © 2015 Heritage House ’76, Inc.

What are the Methods for an  Abortion?

During the first 3 months of Pregnancy

  • Suction Aspiration: Also called “vacuum curettage.” The mouth (cervix) of the womb is stretched. Sometimes it is damaged because during pregnancy the cervix is closed tightly to protect the baby. A suction curette (hallow tube with a knife-like edge tip) is inserted into the womb. A strong suction tears the baby into pieces, drawing them into a container. Great care must be used to prevent the womb from being torn and in checking body parts to ensure a complete abortion.
  • Dilation and Curettage (D&C): Similar to the suction method except for insertion of a loop shaped knife (curette) which cuts the baby apart and scrapes the pieces out through the cervix. Used at up to 14 weeks after the last period.
  • RU-486: First, a steroid drug is taken orally which either destroys the baby’s placenta or prevents it from being formed. Then, another oral drug called a prostaglandin, is taken to induce the uterus to contract and push the baby’s body out through the vagina. This occurs over a period of days. (average 9.4 days) And is accompanied by cramping and bleeding like that of a heavy period. In a small percentage of women, some fetal tissue remains and a surgical abortion is required. Used at 5-9 weeks.
  • Methotrexate: Similar to RU-486, methotrexate is administer by an intramuscular injection instead of a pill. Then, a suppository of misopristol is inserted in the vagina to trigger expulsion of the baby from the uterus.

During Later Pregnancy:

  • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)The mouth (cervix) of the womb is dilated. A curette is then used to dismember the child, and the parts of the baby’s body and its crushed head are removed by ring forceps. This method is used primarily at 13-20 weeks gestation.
  • Prostaglandin Abortion: Prostaglandins are hormones that induce labor. They are injected into the sac surrounding the baby. The mother then goes into labor giving birth to a child too young to survive. This method is fall out of favor because it is not uncommon for babies to be born alive. Performed in the late second and third trimester.
  • Hysterotomy: As in a cesarean section, the abdomen and the womb are open surgically. The baby is then lifted out and the cord clamped. In a hysterotomy, however, the child usually too young to survive without immediate medical treatment is put aside to die.
  • Partial Birth Abortion or Dilation and Extraction (D&X): while only the baby’s head is in the uterus, the abortionist lifts the cervix and applies pressure to the baby’s shoulders with the fingers of the left hand. Then a blunt curved Metzenbaum scissors is forced into the base of the skull. The scissors are spread to enlarge the opening. A suction catheter evacuates the skill contents. Used up to 32 weeks or beyond. This procedure was finally outlaws in 2003 after more than a decade of use. The ban was challenged in the courts by abortion supporters but was finally upheld by the Supreme Court in 2007.

Reproduced from © 2008 Heritage House ’76, Inc.

Roe V. Wade – Myth V. Fact

Myth: The U.S. abortion rate is relatively low.
Fact:  It is among the highest of all developed countries in the world.

Myth: Most Americans favor U.S. abortion law.
Fact: Most Americans actually oppose it.

Myth: Most Abortions are done because of maternal or fetal health problems, or in cases of rape or incest.
Fact: Abortions are rarely done for these reasons.

Myth: Roe v. Wade is only about a women’s right to abortion, not about a right to take a life in general.
Fact: Roe has often been cited by state and federal judges to endanger human beings already born.

Myth: Abortion is standard medical practice; only religious hospitals and some physicians refuse to provide it.
Fact: Even abortion advocates acknowledge that abortion is outside mainstream medicine.

Myth: Roe v. Wade empowers women to choose freely whether abortion is their best option.
Fact: Legalized abortion has made it easy for others to pressure women into having abortions.

Myth: If Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will automatically be illegal in the U.S.
Fact: If Roe is overturned, abortion policy will be decided through the democratic process in each state.

Myth: Abortion is legal only when the fetus is in the womb
Fact: Even a child who is partially born can be legally aborted. Partial-birth abortion kills a child during the process of delivery.

Myth: U.S. abortion law has not encouraged the use of abortion as a method of birth control.
Fact: Nearly half of all abortions are performed on women who have already had a least one.

Myth: Most abortions are done before fetal organs are functioning
Fact: Actually the vast majority are done after the fetal heart has begun beating.

Myth: Most American women support Roe v. Wade
Fact: Most do not. 

Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception

O most pure Virgin Mary conceived without sin, from the very first instant, you were entirely immaculate. O glorious Mary full of grace, you are the mother of my God – the Queen of Angels and of men. I humbly venerate you as the chosen mother of my Savior, Jesus Christ. The Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords chose you for the singular grace and honor of being His beloved mother. By the power of His Cross, He preserved you from all sin. Therefore, by His power and love, I have hope and bold confidence in your prayers for my holiness and salvation. I pray that your prayers will bring me to imitate your holiness and submission to Jesus and the Divine Will. Queen of Heaven, I beg you to beg my Savior to grant me these requests… (Mention your intentions) My holy Mother, I know that you were obedient to the will of God. In making this petition, I know that God’s will is more perfect than mine. So, grant that I may receive God’s grace with humility as you did. As my final request, I ask that you pray for me to increase in faith in our risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in hope in our risen Lord; I ask that you pray for me to increase in love for the risen Jesus! Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.