Online Resource Library

Estás aquí:


4 PM Media 
Video Series, music videos, short films

Augustine Institute 
Courses, resources

C4 Ignite Your Catholic Faith
Video series by Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Mini-courses, videos, and live Q&A on topics of Catholic Faith

Discipleship Quads 
Initiative and resources on creating discipleship small groups of 4 people

Dr Edward Sri 
Speaker, books, podcast, videos

Fr Brice Higginbotham 
Videos explaining basics of the Catholic Faith

Ministry of the Wild Goose
Media, video series, and Wild goose TV

Ascension Press Podcasts 
Various Catholic podcasts, including The Bible in a Year

Blessed is She 
Resources, books, community for women’s spirituality

Chris Padgett 
Speaker, video series, books, blog 

Diocese of Houma Thibodaux Why We Believe Video Series
Videos on various Catholic topics for teens and adults

Dr Brant Pitre 
Speaker, books, videos

Dr Scott Hahn 
Speaker, books, videos 
Streaming platform of Catholic digital resources

Pints with Aquinas 
Videos, books, and resources by Matt Fradd

Spirit Juice Studios 
Inspirational videos

The Catholic Man Show
Episodes, blog for men’s spirituality

The Rise – Chris Stefanick 
30 Day Challenge for men/men’s ministry

They That Hope 
Podcast with Fr Dave Pivonka TOR and Dr Bob Rice

The Search 
Video series on topics of Catholic Faith by Augustine Institute

Well Built Faith 
Book and Free discussion guide


Catholic Trivia 
Catholic trivia game

Divine Mercy 
Resources and prayers about Divine Mercy

Domestic Church Project 
Resources for parents, kids, families

FOCUS Equip 
Bible studies and discipleship tools

Catholic meditation and prayer

App version of Divine Office prayers

Catholic clearinghouse of sources

Little Saint Adventures
Game to teach kids the faith

Resources and prayers about Mary and the Rosary

Mass Times for Travel 
Church and Mass times locator

Truth & Life 
Bible app and audio

YouCat Daily 
Bible, DoCat, YouCat for teens

Children & Families

Alive in Christ 
Interactive games categorized by grade to help children understand the Faith

Catholic Mom
Resources and lesson plans for families

Catholic Sprouts
Resources, podcasts, and tactile catechetical items for kids and families

Domestic Church Project 
Training for building your own Domestic Church

Katie Werner 
Books for children & adults, spiritual growth tools, family mission workshop

Catholic Icing
Resources for children, ranging from at-home activities to Mass resources

Finding God 
Materials for families to use for home catechesis, categorized by grade

Meg Hunter-Kilmer
Catholic evangelist and blogger. Resources for praying with kid,; saint story podcast for kids; learning to pray based on one’s temperament.

Resources for Catholic Educators 
Various free resources for religious education

The Pastoral Center
Resources on pandemic family formation, engaging parents, activities

Catholic video game for kids

Strong Catholic Family Faith 
Resource site for families and those who minister to them

The Leadership Institute 
“Alphabits” resources for young families. “Catequizem” weekly faith quizzes. Family Bible Challenge

Communication Tools

Free graphic design tool

Communication tool between teachers, parents, and students

Constant Contact 
Email platform

Email and text platform

Group messaging platform

Video conferencing platform

Platform for scheduling social media posts

Email Platform

Notifications/text platform

Website creator platform

Virtual conferencing platform

Digital Education Platforms

Avatar creation tool. Creating a bitmoji classroom

Online class/module creator

Free option for module/video creation

Google Suites 
Online learning tools; option for non-profits

Game-based learning platform

Free video creator

Interactive presentations, polls, quizzes

Online education platform with free option

Interactive quiz creator

En Español

Biblia Para Niños 
Historias favoritas de la Biblia

Lente Catolico
Recursos de video sobre fe para los ninos

Recursos de las lecturas dominicales para los adolescents

Palabra Entre Nosotros
Recursos de las lecturas dominicales para las familias

Vivos En Cristo
Recursos para la catequesis en el hogar

Corazon Puro NYC
Recursos de video sobre fe, servicio y pureza

Loyola Press
Encontrando a Dios – Materiales para los padres y jovenes

ODB Films 
Videos sobre varios temas de fe para adolescents en español e inglés

Proyecto Bíblico
Videos y explicaciones interesantes de libros de la Biblia y temas bíblicos para los adolescents

Liturgical Year

Catholic Icing  
Living the Liturgical Year at home

Celebrate the Feasts 
A free e-guide by Katie Warner on celebrating the Liturgical Year

Loyola Press 
Activities and resources

Sophia Institute for Teachers 
eLessons for throughout the Liturgical Year and holy days

The Vigil Project
Catholic music for different Liturgical Seasons

52 Sundays 
Families activities and lessons for each Sunday of the year

The Catholic Toolbox
Activities , resources, sites

Information, calendar, and resources



Ascension Press

Dynamic Catholic

Ignatius Press

Life Teen

Loyola Press

My Catholic Faith Delivered

Our Sunday Visitor

Sophia Institute Press

Other Resources

Barna Group 
Research on Church, family, discipleship, and youth

Catechist’s Journey
Materials and videos from Joe Paprocki

Catholic Brain
Catechetical resources for purchase via subscription

Rebuilt Parish
Resources and services for reenergizing Parishes

Divine Renovation
Resources, webinars, and services for reenergizing Parishes

OSV Talks 
Topic series from Catholic leaders to inspire creative thinking in the Church

Springtide Research Institute 
Research on youth and young adults

St Mary’s Press
Catholic research on millennials

The Religion Teacher
Free downloadable catechesis resources and subscription option

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – resources

The Holy See 
Vatican website


Ascension Presents 
Free videos on various Catholic topics

Ablaze Ministries
Support for youth ministers

Bible Project 
Engaging videos and explanations of Biblical books and themes

Bob Lesnefsky
Speaker, musician

Catholic Central 
Free videos on various Catholic topics

Chastity Project
Videos, articles, books, resources

Emily Wilson Ministries 
Speaker, youtube videos, books

Everett Fritz 
Speaker, author, resources on small groups

Forte Catholic 
Speaker, radio show/podcast

Joel Stepanek 
Speaker, author, videos

Katie Prejean McGrady
Speaker, author

Kid Catholic 
Speaker, video series

Magis Center
Resources on science and religion

Paul J Kim 
Speaker, videos, music

Life Teen Youtube
Including Summit Lectionary Series

Project YM Greater Confirmation Retreat; 
Resources, videos, youth minister support

The Emmaus Initiative
Life Teen youth minister support